Tips to Convert Transaction Data from MYOB to QuickBooks Conversion

Data from MYOB to QuickBooks Conversion



Tips to Convert Transaction Data from MYOB to QuickBooks Conversion

Once you decide to Migrate MYOB to QuickBooks and have all the files set up, you need to transfer your previous Accounting data into the software. One of the first things that you should do is create a backup from until today. If in case something goes wrong, you do not want the data to be damaged. Once the data is backed up, you would need to export all the MYOB transactions to text files. That can be done by selecting “File” and then choosing “Export Data.” You would get a list of all the types of transactions, select the ones you wish to transfer.

You can convert both transactions as well as general entries. Along with that, you would be able to export accounts receivable like Item Sales. Money Received, Service Sales, Misc. Sales, Professional Sales, and time billing sales. If we look at the accounts payable, you would be able to convert purchases, money spent, services purchased, misc, purchased, item purchases, and professional investments.

Once this data is transferred to a text format, it needs to be exported to excel and tidied up a bit. Once you have everything in order, it is ready to be imported into your newly installed QuickBooks software. Once you complete conversion services from MYOB to Quickbooks conversion, you can continue with Quickbooks Accounting Services to help you manage complete business financial services.

MYOB to QuickBooks Conversion:

We can Convert the following MYOB lists and transactions to QuickBooks Online, Premier, or Pro QuickBooks Editions.

    • MYOB Client List to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Employee List to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Vendor List to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Item List to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Chart of Accounts to QuickBooks Chart of Accounts Conversion

QuickBooks Transaction Types Conversion:

  • MYOB Invoices to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Sales Receipts to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Vendor Credits to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Credit Card Charges to QuickBooks
  • MYOB Item Receipts to QuickBooks

If the data that you wish to transfer spans over a few years, it would be advisable to break it in chunks of a few weeks. Since this is an extremely time-consuming process, you can outsource partners like My Accounts Consultant. My Accounts consultant will help you arrange the data as you want, along with it would also train you on how to make the most efficient use of the Accounting software at the most affordable cost! 

Contact Us to know more about our services.


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